Sunday, November 20, 2011

Download Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) CD ISO / DVD Images

Ubuntu Linux (a GNU/Linux-based computer operating system) version 11.10 has been released and available for download. The new release includes some enhancements to make your experience even more enjoyable. The Default user interface is set to unity shell on top of GNOME 3.x. However, you will get a 2D version of Unity as a fallback for systems that lack the hardware resources for the 3D version. The good news is you will be able to install the entire GNOME 3 desktop along with GNOME Shell directly from the Ubuntu repos.

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Download Fedora 16 CD / DVD ISO

Fedora Linux version 16 (code name "Verne") has been released and available for download ( jump to download link ). Fedora Linux is a community-based Linux distribution which is sponsored by Red Hat, Inc. This release is dedicated to Dennis Ritchie, who co-invented Unix and the C language. Fedora is considered as the third most popular cutting edge distro, behind Ubuntu and Mint Linux for desktop and laptop usage.

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Installing And Using OpenVZ On CentOS 5.7

# yum search vzkernel
ovzkernel.i686 : Virtuozzo Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
ovzkernel.x86_64 : Virtuozzo Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
ovzkernel-PAE.i686 : The Linux kernel compiled for PAE capable machines.
ovzkernel-PAE-devel.i686 : Development package for building kernel modules to match the PAE kernel.
ovzkernel-devel.i686 : Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
ovzkernel-devel.x86_64 : Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
ovzkernel-ent.i686 : The Linux kernel compiled for huge mem capable machines.
ovzkernel-ent-devel.i686 : Development package for building kernel modules to match the ent kernel.
ovzkernel-xen.i686 : The Linux kernel compiled for Xen VM operations
ovzkernel-xen.x86_64 : The Linux kernel compiled for Xen VM operations
ovzkernel-xen-devel.i686 : Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
ovzkernel-xen-devel.x86_64 : Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.

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Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Ubuntu 11.10)

an email address) which is easier to understand and keep in mind.

This howto is meant as a practical guide; it does not cover the theoretical backgrounds. They are treated in a lot of other documents in the web.

This document comes without warranty of any kind! I want to say that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!


1 Preliminary Note

This tutorial is based on Ubuntu 11.10 Server (Oneiric Ocelot), so you should set up a basic Ubuntu 11.10 server installation before you continue with this tutorial (e.g. as shown on the pages 1 - 3 in this tutorial: The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 11.10

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Installing LedgerSMB 1.3 Series (Open Source Accounting/ERP Application) On Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)


This tutorial is only for LedgerSMB 1.3 series.

For the 1.2 versions please refer to of which author is Falko Timme: Installing LedgerSMB (Open Source Accounting Application) on Debian Etch.

Only with this remark that libmd5-perl is not in the repositories anymore. Hereunder you will find how to download and install this Perl-module.

Thanks to Falko I could explore LedgerSMB in the beginning. Evidently I would like to thank also Chris Travers ( who has assisted me a lot.

Of course there is no guarantee that this will work in general terms.

This instruction is made with the intention that you can copy and paste the commands into the terminal. In case of sudo commands your password will be asked.

The same goes for the needed changes in some configuration files; evidently the changes in those files have to be done manually.


2. Installation Of Required Perl Modules And Required Texlive Modulessudo apt-get install libdata-dumper-simple-perl perl-modules liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-pg-perl libconfig-any-perl libmime-lite-perl libhtml-linkextractor-perl libnet-tclink-perl libparse-recdescent-perl libmodule-build-perl libperl5.12 libuuid-perl liblocale-gettext-perl libyaml-tiny-perl libtext-iconv-perl libtext-charwidth-perl libmodule-install-perl liblatex-driver-perl

(This is one command.)

There are another three modules to be installed, the first two (SOURCE: Falko Timme):


But they are not in the repositories. First both should be done by downloading from Sourceforge:

cd /tmp
tar xvfz deb-prereq-1.2.8.tar.gz
cd deb-prereq-1.2
sudo dpkg -i libclass-std-perl_0.0.8-1_all.deb libconfig-std-perl_0.0.4-1_all.deb

The last one is:


This is to be downloaded from Debian:

cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i libmd5-perl_2.03-1_all.deb

In connection with the above mentioned installed Perl modules a few texlive modules should be installed also. I would like to emphasize if those are not installed Perl will not work with the LedgerSMB!!!

sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra texlive-latex-extra-doc texlive-lang-all texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended texlive texlive-doc-en

This could take long time (700MB)!!!

Unfortunately one needed Texlive-module is not in the repositories:


This is going to be downloaded from Ubuntu:

Just copy and paste this in your browser in order to enter this website. Under the page you will see this: "Download texlive-generic-extra" and go to
"all" under "architecture", then choose a "site" (a lot) for download and choose save.

In order to install this do the following:


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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back Up Files With Déjà Dup (Linux Mint 11)

Please notice that I selected a local folder only fordemonstrational purposes. A back up is supposed to save and restoreyour files in case of emergency, which is most likely a corruption ofthe hard drive the data is on, that is why you should either select anexternal hard drive or an online server you have access to. The nexttab is the Files tab, where you specify which files you want to back up and, if that is the case, which files to exclude from backing up.

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Lan Management System (LMS) On Debian Squeeze - Router Howto


The scripts will download necessary packages from debian repositories and my deb packages:

linux kernel 2.6.32 with patches: layer-7, imq, esfqiptables 1.4.8 with patches: layer-7 and imqiproute 20101221 with esfq patchppp 2.4.3 with mppe and mppc
pppoe 3.10 with mppe, mppc and kernel pluginpptpd 1.3.4 with mppe and mppc

All the packages are available for independent download from:

You may view the scripts before executing to see what they exactly do. You have to write down the MySQL root password and type it when the install script ask for. After reboot you can go to the router GUI via browser. Simply open the router IP address in the browser. First time LMS will ask you for creating an admin account. Don't forget to check full access option for admin. Example configuration is available for view after installation. You have to set up your WAN bandwidth in the /router/router.conf file in kilobits-per-second. Default is 10Mbps.

How does it work? Network administrator adds clients, computers and tariffs (download and upload speed) into LMS. There is my daemon running in the background which checks if something was changed in the GUI configuration. If so, the daemon will update the configuration file for the firewall (/router/lms.conf) and reload firewall, NAT and traffic shaping. Firewall scripts and configs are in the /router directory. LMS GUI is installed in the /var/www directory. Other stuff (messages, daemon, etc.) are in /var/v-smart directory. Network configuration you can find in /etc/rc.local script.

Installed LMS is pure and unmodified. In the database there is vsmart table with to-do records that are read by the daemon in 3-second period. I added MySQL triggers to follow changes in the LMS tables. The triggers will update to-do records when something is changed in customers' devices configuration. Then the daemon makes a decision about reloading firewall, traffic shaper and NAT. Finally - changes in LMS GUI are set in the router almost instantly. This is the main idea of my project.

In the crontab there are periodicaly run some LMS scripts (stats, payments, host alive checking and other). Feel free to view or adjust /etc/cron.d/vsmart file.

List of router main functions:

- Dynamic traffic shaping on WAN port using IMQ with HTB/esfq and service priority,
- Static traffic shaping on LAN port (LMS tariffs),

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