Saturday, April 2, 2011

An early look at GNOME 3.0

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GNOME 3, the first revision of the major version of the popular desktop environment in eight years is planned for release in April. The good news is that you can now simply to turn the new version for a test with a spare USB key, and provide some real-world feedback for the project, in the final code in the wild calls.

To test GNOME 3 for yourself, you can download built 32-bit and 64-bit ISO images by Frederic Crozat. Crozat updated first builds for FOSDEM, and said that he plans to do on a regular basis; the underlying system is based on OPENSUSE. The images can be burned to a bootable CD or DVD, but if you are installing on a USB flash-memory stick instead, you can use to preserve changes, documents, and additional packages that you install the persistence. There are also Fedora based images created by the distribution and Ubuntu Repository packages for GNOME shell, the desktop user interface, although it not clear either of the latter are updated as often.

Tested the OPENSUSE-based image on a flash drive, I ('s installed with Aaron Bockover nifty image USB-stick-imaging-tool), as also the Ubuntu Repository packages. This is because the 3-d video card support is still bare for the latest ISO image, and if the OS, that your card is not possible the correct compositing, you get version 2.x era GNOME panel instead of the new shell interface and all its constituent updates.

Some new GNOMEponents

This is not to say that GNOME is shell the only attention-worthy piece in GNOME 3 - only gets the lion's share of the discussion. In fact, come, if new interesting over at GNOME 3, several other pieces first.

The list begins with GTK

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